[LG 에너지솔루션 유럽] Internship in Supply Chain Management – Energy Storage Systems (m/f/d)

LG 에너지솔루션 유럽지사에서 인턴을 모집합니다. LG 에너지솔루션 유럽지사는 모빌리티 부문에서 가장 유망한 분야 중 하나인 전기차 배터리의 제조, 구매, 판매 등을 목적으로 하며, 독일 프랑크푸르트 근교 슐츠바흐 (Sulzbach)에 소재하고 있습니다.
채용 공고는 영어 혹은 독일어로 나와있지만, 한국어를 구사하는 인턴을 모집하고 있습니다. 배터리 기술 및 검수, 프로젝트 매니징, 세일즈 등 인턴을 기다리는 팀도 다양합니다. 유망한 분야를 직접 경험해볼 수 있는 좋은 기회, 한 번 도전해보세요!
LG Energy Solutions ist führend in der zukünftigen umweltfreundlichen Energiebranche, indem es herausragende Materialien und Batterien der nächsten Generation entwickelt. Als weltweit agierendes Unternehmen für chemische Batterien führen wir den globalen Markt für Lithium-Ionen-Batterien an, der auf einer hervorragenden Materialtechnologie basiert. Wir sind zu einem globalen Player im Bereich der Batterien für Elektrofahrzeuge und Energiespeichersysteme (ESS) geworden. Basierend auf unseren beispiellosen Technologien entwickeln wir aktiv neue Produkte und beschaffen globale Produktionskapazitäten für Batterien, um unsere Dominanz auf dem Energiemarkt der nächsten Generation zu stärken.
Für unsere wachsende europäische Tochtergesellschaft LG Energy Solution Europe GmbH in Sulzbach (Taunus) suchen wir für den Bereich Automotive Battery zum frühestmöglichen Zeitpunkt nach einem:
Internship in Supply Chain Management – Energy Storage Systems (m/f/d)
Primary Job Responsibilities
- Daily update of warehouse stock into our list
- Delivery status check with forwarding company
- Preparing of documents for delivery
- Checking of vendor invoices (POD, OC, etc.)
- Documents checking for registration of vendor/customer
Professional and Personal Competences
- Structured, independent, and solution-oriented way of thinking
- Willingness to learn, flexibility and good communication skills
- Customer and service-oriented appearance
- Ability to work in a team and strong social and intercultural competence
- Strong affinity for numbers, structured, analytical way of working and a pro-active way of thinking
- Good user knowledge in all MS Office programs, especially Excel
- English / German fluent speaker, Korean is preferable
Our Offer:
We offer you a challenging, interesting and varied internship in a modern, fast growing, international corporation. You can expect a collegial working environment with flat hierarchies and reasonable scope for action. You will receive exciting personal and professional development opportunities. In addition to your monthly salary your will receive food vouchers and daily breakfast provided in our office.
Are you interested in becoming a part of our team?
If you would like to accept this interesting challenge and want to gain valuable experience in the field of Supply Chain Management, we will be happy to receive your complete application documents in English, including your earliest possible starting date via our online application form.
We are looking forward to getting to know you!
LG Energy Solution Europe GmbH
HR – Recruiting Team
Otto-Volger Str. 7c
65843 Sulzbach (Taunus)
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