General Manager S.Korea: Industrial Machinery Coupling Manufacturer

General Manager South Korea: Industrial Machinery Coupling Manufacturer
Our company is one of the world leaders in Mechanical Power Transmission. We are so called hidden champion with more than 60 years of history. With 23 subsidies and headquartered in Germany, nearly over 1.100 employees worldwide are working together. Apart from the main factories in Germany, there are production facilities in North America and Asia. The business of our group company has reached about 250 Mill. € sales in 2019 and over the last years the business has grown continuously.
Our goal remains beyond on dynamic growth in double-digit range for the foreseeable future. For successful growth of the company, we maximize the independence of each subsidiary company and let them work closely with German headquarter as well to hand in hand with the strategic vision. Our stable financial status is explained by the transparent structure and responsibilities. High level of innovations and very good customer intimacy is also one of our main success factors, which is proven by the fact that 70% of our products are produced for export.
| Job Profile |
General Manager South Korea
Job Description
- Management and enhancement of sales in Korea
- Profit and Loss responsibility for the subsidiary
- Continuous optimization of the market penetration (market share) of the product portfolio together with the headquarters in Germany
- Strategic planning, definition of growth targets and respective sales and marketing activities as well as the further development of the market position
- Analysis and further development of sales concepts and the company profile
- Administration and extension of the existing sales network
- Organization management: Managerial responsibility for 7 employees
- Planning and reporting to the parent company
- Graduated from relevant studies in Mechanical Engineering or Business Administration
- Professional experience of several years in a managerial position in mechanical engineering in the Korean market
- Demonstrable success in the setup and expansion of a sales organization
- Ideally competent knowledge of the industry sector of Power Transmission
- Competent process knowledge related to the whole company, incl. knowledge of the wholistic processes in order handling
- Strategic and operative managerial personality
- Sales oriented with fresh ideas and a strategic approach
- Absolute loyalty to the headquarters in Rheine
- Talent for managing staff and convincing through commitment and success-oriented way of working
- A higher-than-average commitment as well as strong interpersonal
- Korean language and fluent in English, knowledge of German would be advantageous, but not a must
Please send your application documents (CV & career description) both in English and Korean by e-mail to:
Korean-German Chamber of Commerce and Industry DEInternational Ltd.,
Ms. Hee-Seon Lim (hslim@kgcci.com / 02-3780-4601 )
독일의 한 산업용 기계 커플링 제조업체에서 한국 지사장를 찾고 있습니다. 산업 기계용 커플링 제조 분야에서 세계를 선도하는 기업 중 하나로 꼽히는 이 업체는 60년 이상의 역사를 가지고 있으며, 23개의 자회사와 함께 독일에 본사를 갖추고 전세계적으로 1,100명 이상의 직원들을 고용하고 있습니다. 또한, 독일 뿐만 아니라 북미와 아시아에도 생산시설을 갖추고 있으며, 지난해 2억 5천 유로의 매출을 기록하며 사업부문에서 꾸준한 성장을 보이고 있습니다. 한국 지사장은 한국 내 매출 관리 및 증진, 독일 본사와 함께 자사 포트폴리오의 시장점유율 최적화, 기존 판매망 관리 및 확장 등을 담당하게 됩니다.
해당 직무직책에 지원하시려는 분은 영문 및 국문 지원서(CV & 경력기술서)를 한독상공회의소 임희선 ( hslim@kgcci.com / 02-3780-4601 ) 과장에게 이메일로 제출하시기 바랍니다.